In the wake of the landmark Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court this June, many are asking what the effects will be on maternal and reproductive health care, racial and gender equality, voter motivations and turnout, and more. LATS instructor Dr. Lina-Maria Murillo has contributed her expertise on the issue in two prominent publications:
Are Latino voters really moving right? The end of Roe may muddy the picture - The Guardian, August 17, 2022
Dr. Murillo is quoted in this article on abortion and the Latinx vote. She challenges common stereotypes regarding Latinx communities and abortion, providing data that suggests a more complex picture of the role of religion in Latinx voters' opinions as well as the tendency to overlook Latinx-led abortion advocacy movements.
A return to the abortion handbook? - Nursing Clio, September 1, 2022
Lina-Maria Murillo authors a succinct but comprehensive history of reproductive health information-sharing and self-provided abortion care, centering on an analysis of Patricia Maginnis and Lana Clark Phelan's The Abortion Handbook For Responsible Women (1969).